Sorry for so many pictures. Thursday was a fun filled day. We went to the zoo in the morning. Tons of fun. It was me, Grandma, the boys, brother Jeff and his three kids:Izabella, Adam and Gid, niece Marinda and her little girl Sophia, niece Tarina and her little boy Aiden, and my two great nephews: Victor and Devilin. Saw all the animals and an awesome bird show.Jared, Adam, Caleb and Drew(very back) on the lion fountain.
The gang. Grandma gave my boys orange shirts so I could find them easy. It was the best idea.
Sophia and Caleb at the bird show. I think they were a little bored.
Jared and Drew at the bird show. They loved seeing the bald eagle in person.
The gang again. They were all so good. We didn't even loose one.
After the zoo we went back to Grandma's house for lunch and water playing.
Caleb and Gid in the pool. They play well together.
Caleb and Gid were playing baseball. So cute. Caleb would throw the ball and yell home run.
Jumping with the sprinklers.
Kids favorite way to use the water guns. They would shoot about 30 feet in the air.Caleb running from the water fight.
Adam and Drew water fighting.
Jared getting Uncle Jeff.
Caleb didn't want to get wet anymore.
After we were done in the water Uncle John helped the boys shoot a pellet gun. They had so much fun.They were both good shoots and both hit the target each time. Jared even hit the bulls eye once. This ends our fun time up north.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!
Posted by Buttle Family at 7:31 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
I Love To See The Temple!
So we started the day off playing in the water. (We did that everyday) They boys had so much fun. My Mom has a big backyard. They would put a sprinkler under the tramp and jump. Run through the sprinklers and play on the slip and slide. They had a blast.
Drew loved going down the slip and slide. My mom has a little hill in her back yard so slip and sliding is so fun.
This was all Caleb wanted to do.
Jared like the slip and slide, but not as much as the tramp. We also had a little pool and we brought up some fun water shooters.In the afternoon we went to the Temple open house at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. I was a little worried taking 3 boys. Two minutes into the movie they show Caleb said: "Movie all done lets go bye-bye. I just walked around in the back. Then we went into the temple my boys were amazing. They only talked twice the whole time. Caleb wanted to go swimming in the baptismal font and the boys wanted the elevator to come faster(We took it because we had the stroller. One elevator took about ten minutes.)
After the tour we went and took some pictures. Me, the boys and Grandma Rachel.
The boys on the east side of the temple.
Aren't they so cute?
Grandma Rachel and the boys.
Drew went to lay down so Caleb went to lay down, so Jared did. They were ready to go home. I love the chance to take my boys to the temple.
Posted by Buttle Family at 7:12 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Old McDonald Had A Farm! E-I-E-I-OOO
On Tuesday we went to Wheeler Farm. It is a farm in SLC. It is there to teach kids about farm life and show them animals from a farm. My Kids LOVE going to it. Me, the boys and Grandma Rachel went. We brought my nephew Adam with us. My sister RaeAnn came with three of her daughters and 4 grand kids and my Sis-in-law Janice came with her daughter, her daughter-in-law and 5 of her grand kids. In all we had 22 of us there. So much fun. We started off with all you can eat pizza. A boys dream. We played in the little stream until it was time to go feed the cows.
We brought some bread to feed the ducks. All the kids had so much fun. Here is Drew being loving. Caleb is only in a shirt because 5 minutes after we got there he fell into the stream, then into the dirt. Not a good combo.
Drew, Jared and Dallyn feeding the ducks.
All the kids that went to the farm. From left to right(and names probably not spelled right) we have: Devilin, Sophia, Victor, Adien, Drew, Wyatt, Beckett, Meagan, Charlie, Dallyn, Adam, Jared and Caleb.
Meagan and Caleb looking at the farm animals.
Adam, Caleb, Drew and Jared at the tree house. The boys love playing in it.
Caleb after he milked the cow. He wasn't a big fan of it.
Drew milking the cow. Also, not the biggest fan. He was so funny though after milking we went around and looked at the baby cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and other farm animals he would walk up to them and say "Hello lunch", "Hi dinner" to the pigs, cows and chickens. He is a funny boy.
Jard and the cow.
The boys playing in the stream. They had so much fun.
Posted by Buttle Family at 1:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Out Of This World!
Last week we went to my Mom's house to spend some time with her and my family. Sad for us Darrin wasn't able to come with us, but we had lots of fun. Here is what we did the first day. We went to visit my Aunt in the hospital. We had a fun FHE dinner with my family and earlier in the day we took the kids to the Clark & Hansen Planetarium. They had lots of exhibits for the kids to see. This is Jared and Drew walking on Mercury.
The boys got to be weather men. They thought it was so fun because it was on a TV.
The Boys walking on the moon. I wanted them to just stand still and smile, but I think this picture turned out much better.
This was a big machine were the ball went all around and around. It had a couple of levers were you can make the balls stop. Boys loved it.
Grandma and the boys. I know we wore her out, but we had tons of fun. Hopefully very soon I will post all the other fun we had.
Posted by Buttle Family at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Jared's Birthday Bash
Happy Birthday Jared. We had a fun time with him on his birthday. We woke and and opened gifts. He is such a good thankful child. I love it. For his birthday he got some Bakugans, clothes, a couple games and,
some new golf clubs. He was so excited. Darrin took him and Drew to the driving range so they could hit some balls. For breakfast he chose to have crepes. That kid loves them and can chow them down. He ate 6.
For the fun activity we went to Fiesta Fun. We did the bumper boats. The perfect activity for the heat.Jared had so much fun driving them, going under the fountain and shooting water at people.
Drew was so excited he was tall enough this year to ride it.
We then went inside and played LOTS of arcade games. The boys had a blast.
While the two older boys played games, Caleb played on the indoor playground.
Jared wanted a science cake this year. If you can't tell the cake is a beaker, with a potion in it.
For dinner we went to Red Robin. The boys love the idea of all you can eat fries.
Caleb always the big helper in blowing the candles out. Birthday week was fun, but I am glad that we don't have another birthday until birthday week in February(Caleb's on 16th and mine on the 18th)
Posted by Buttle Family at 1:34 PM 2 comments