So I(Jenny) took my son to his very first day camp for scouts. It was fun. At first I was a little nervous. I have no scouting experience and none of the leaders for the bears or wolves could go. I was asked the night before if I could go, it was kind of a nightmare tracking down health forms for all the boys but we finally did it and were the only group at be completely ready for sign ins. Here is the group I got to take with me. From left to right: Kadin(Bear), Jared(wolf), Chance(Bear), Jonathan(Wolf) and Nicholas(Wolf). They were a great group of boys. So well behaved. Ultimate Frisbee, and flag football were some of the things we did.
Here they made bug catchers and recipe card holders.
Jared and Chance doing some compass work.
Jared's favorite. Archery. All the boys had fun shooting at the targets. I loved the glasses.
Jared on the course. We had a lot of fun and can't wait until next year.
Monday, September 29, 2008
1st Ever Day Camp
Posted by Buttle Family at 1:48 PM 3 comments
Tag Your It!
DunDunDun....Here are the rules:
1 - List the person(s) who tagged you
2 - Mention the rules on your blog
3 - Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4 - Tag 6 fellow bloggers
Unspectacular quirk #1. I have to have the dishwasher loaded the same way. Cups and bowls on top. If someone else loads it different I will usually reload it. I like things in certain order.
Unspectacular quirk #2. I rinse out my tuna cans before putting them in the trash. I don't want the tuna smell if the garbage isn't taken out soon.
Unspectacular quirk #3. I like to let my kids play in the mud. They love it and I love to watch them have fun. Plus I get to spray them down with the hose.
Unspectacular quirk #4. I love checking out others blogs and myspace. I love getting to talk with my family and see what they are doing.
Unspectacular quirk #5. I check my kids for ear wax often. I hate seeing ear wax come out of ears, I think it is gross.
Unspectacular quirk #6. I won't let my husband win.(If we gets me wet I HAVE to get him wetter) that's the rule.
I tag: Karie, Shaleen, Kelly, Jenni, Becky, Karon, Katie, Kristie, Cami,
Posted by Buttle Family at 6:32 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I haven't put up pictures of my boys for a while. So here are a couple. This is they boys doing there reading in the morning. Caleb love to do what his brothers do.
Caleb's muddy face. His face what wet and he was playing in the dirt. A big gust of wind came and Caleb rubbed his eyes. Dirty hands plus a wet face equals a muddy mess.
Jared received his Bobcat. He loves scouts and has almost earned his wolf.
Drew playing around on Caleb's toys.
Caleb being a big boy. He now likes to pose for cameras.
As you all may know I have been primary Sec. for almost three years now. About 3 weeks ago the Primary Pres. came to me and told me that we were going to be released because she was going to go serve in the Stake Young Women's Presidency. I was so sad. I have loved my calling and I could have done it for ten more years. My heart is in primary. The next week they called the new primary presidency. I found out that the new primary Pres. is a very good friend of mine. I knew that they need some teachers so I told please make me a teacher.(It is too hard for me to sit in Relief Society after being in primary for so long. I think I have Relief Society ADD. The lessons in primary are so nice and basic and I LOVE the songs.) So when I got called to the bishops office I was excited that they were going to make me a teacher. However, they made me 2nd counselor in the Primary. I am so excited to serve with my friend and get to know the other two ladies better. I will now be over the scouts. I think it is a perfect time to get to now the program since Jared has now been in scouts now for a few months. With three boys I see a lot of scouts in my future. I am very thankful for my new calling. I think the Lord knew it was time for change.
Posted by Buttle Family at 1:23 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Labor Day Fun
On Labor Day we went with our very good friends the Gough's and their whole family to Pine Valley Mountain. We have been to Pine Valley before, but just the town and not the state park part of it. It was awesome up there. They rented a big picnic area that had 5 huge tables. There was a little river right there. They boys had a ball playing in the river the whole time. They found some new friends and some friends from the family. They spent the day looking for bugs and building dams. The older boys (Darrin's age and a little younger) played croquet, mountain style. If you haven't seen it, it is a fun thing to watch.Caleb looking for things to throw in the water. He loved to see them splash and float down the river.
Drew and Jared playing in the river.
Jared and Drew on the big rock. It was about waist deep here.
Jared Gough(Big Jared), Tanner, and Caleb. After the big boys built a dam.
Drew crying. His flip flop fell off and went floating down the river. He thought it was lost forever. Lucky for him it wasn't.
Jared and Drew starting to get wet.
Jared being silly.
Posted by Buttle Family at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jared, The Karate Master!
On Saturday Jared tested for his orange belt and passed. We are so proud of him. For those of you who don't know about karate you start of with a white belt, then yellow then orange, and so on until you hit a black belt. Jared has only been talking karate since the first of the year.
Jared's karate teacher loves him because he is a hard worker and wants to do it right. He is the youngest in the class and his teacher is always saying: "Watch Jared". We love Jared in karate. It gets him staying active and he can get to and from by himself. The teacher lives at the end of our street and teaches in his basement. Way to go Jared!
Posted by Buttle Family at 8:13 PM 2 comments