We had a fun time celebrating Caleb's second birthday. The boys did not have school on Monday(Caleb's birthday) thanks to President's Day. We started off with a great breakfast. Followed by playing and going out to eat for a late lunch.Jared and Drew made this birthday crown for Caleb. They kept making him things for his birthday. It was so cute. They put their heart and soul into it.
Caleb loved opening gifts. After Christmas he knew what it was all about.
He loved all the things he got. He received a magna doodle, the spider man chair, a very loud noisy toy lawn mower and a few smaller gifts.
The cutest boys. I love them tons!
Caleb so excited for his birthday cake. It is a clue(paw print) from Blues Clues. His favorite show. He was so excited when he saw it.
The boys were so impressed when he was able to blow out the candles on his first try.
As you can tell, he liked his cake and ice cream and wanted more.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Birthday Fun!
Posted by Buttle Family at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I can't believe that on Feb. 16, 2007 my baby was born. I will never forget the day he was born. I was in labor for about 6 hours. During the last couple of hours his heart rate dipped down and then would do back up. But at the end it dipped down and stayed down to 90's. It was so scary. They said he needed to come out now. It still amazes me how fast the doctor was there. He was at his office seeing patients.(His office is attached to the hospital.) I kept praying to Heavenly Father to let him be OK. I remember a peaceful feeling. They thought when he was born he would not be breathing. But he came out pink as could be and scored an 8 on his APGAR.When he was born he weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. He was so little. It is funny because the doctor kept telling me I was going to have a big baby. I kept telling him he wouldn't it was just how he was laying.
He Has been such a blessing in our lives. Some of the highlights in his short life. He crawled at 6 1/2 months. He walked at 9 months and ran at 10 months. It is funny, people always said he was an early walker because he wanted to keep up with his brothers. I say it was so he could run away from them and all their kisses. Caleb LOVES being with them and follows them everywhere.He is always making us laugh. I have been trying to teach him to say two. But he thinks it is funny to say one. If you say "Caleb say two" He will say "one" If you try to count with him he will say "one, one, one" It is now a joke to him. The other night we were saying his prayers. We say the same little prayer each night. When we pray he will say the last word in sentence. One of the things we say is "Help me to be nice." So I said "help me to be, Caleb say be nice." He said "me one nice" and then laughed.
I am grateful for the fun he brings to our family.
He is a Mama's boy and I love it.
He loves all balls.(Shocking I know.)
Loves all water and will find any puddle and jump in it. Even if it is very cold outside.Loves to go boating. He was happy as a calm when we would boat 8-9 hours.
Loves to always help Mom in the kitchen.
LOVES to be a big boy! Favorite show is Blue's Clues and loves the color Yellow.(Good thing cause that is the color of his wall)
We love You
Posted by Buttle Family at 8:24 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Jared the Wild Animal!
Last Tuesday, Jared earned his wolf. We are very proud of him. He worked hard and got it done in 6 months. Jared loves scouts.
We are very lucky to have to scout leader who does so much. They are always earning badges, loops, pins and arrow points.
Last month Jared received his wolf, 6 arrows, 2 belt loops and 3 badges. Way to go Jared!
Posted by Buttle Family at 6:21 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Say Good bye to the Bars!
Caleb is now in a big boy bed. He is so excited. We put him in it a couple of weeks ago. About 2 months ago he started climbing out of his crib. We finally had the time to put him in a bed. It has been so nice. Now he can get in by himself. He keeps saying "bed, bed."
He is good about staying in it. Sometimes I have to put him back to bed, but just once or twice and he is good to stay. I was worried that once he went to a bed he would stop taking naps, but he still takes them. YEAH! As long as he has his blanket that his Aunt Wendy gave him he loves bed.
We love this bed. It is the tip of a bunk bed so there are railing all around. Also, it is high off the ground so that we can store toys under it.
This is him saying bye to the crib. He was happy to see it go. Now he thinks he is big like the boys. If only I could get him to stop drawing on wall and in books.
Posted by Buttle Family at 12:56 PM 4 comments