This picture has nothing to do with this post. It is just cute. Caleb has his own back pack and loves to wear it. He thinks it makes him a big boy like his brothers.
A couple a weeks ago I took the boys to the rodeo they have in town here each year. We always go on Thursday because kids get in free. Since Darrin was spending some time with his Mom in Provo, I took the boys myself plus a friend. Silly me, 4 boys and one Mom. Good thing they were good(I guess bribing them with ice cream helps.) This is Jared sitting with his friend watching the rodeo.
Caleb in the cowboy hat. He thought it should be his and would share it with his brothers.
Drew, the cutest cowboy. He was so excited to dress up like a cowboy. He has been waiting for a year to go to the rodeo dressed up.
The boys talking to Jared's friend. Before the rodeo, they let anyone who has a horse come ride in the arena if they want.
Highlights of the night.
1. cotton candy
2. boys were good
3. Drew saw his teacher
4. Jared saw his 1st grade teacher.
What a fun night.
One a different note. The day before the rodeo I got a call from the boy's school. I always hate getting calls because the 1st thing that always comes to mind is" Oh great, what has my child done?" When they say this is the school counselor, you think: "Wow, they must have done something REALLY bad." Anyway what he told me was that Jared was playing with some kindergartners and he slipped and fell on the ground. One of the kindergartners jump on him and bite him. He told me Jared was OK, but that the bite was going to leave a bruise. He just wanted to call and let me know what happened. All I could think of was "Man I am glad it was that and not something my child did." It had so much effect on Jared that when he came home from school I asked him if anything happened at school. He said No. I asked him What about someone biting you. To that he said, "Oh yea, I forgot about that" Funny how kids don't let things bug them, wish we all could be like that.
I Can't Forget
6 years ago
Your boys are so cute. I love the pic of Drew in his cowboy cloths. He looks like a genuine cowboy. Now how are his ropin skills?
Drew looks adorable in is outfit!
I remember when Juston got a backpack for his 5th birthday. The next day he got up and got dressed and put on his backpack ready to go to school. That was in May, 3 months early. Ha!
that is so cute! looks likes fun.
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